Saturday, February 20, 2016


HR policies are continuing guidelines on the approach the organization intends to adopt in managing its people. They define the philosophies and values of the organization on how people should be treated, and from these are derived the principles upon which managers are expected to act when dealing with HR matters. HR policies therefore serve as reference points when employment practices (described in Chapter 57) are being developed, and when decisions are being made about people. They help to define ‘the way things are done around here’.

HR policies should be distinguished from procedures, as discussed in Chapter 58. A policy provides generalized guidance on the approach adopted by the organization, and therefore its employees, concerning various aspects of employment. A procedure spells out precisely what action should be taken in line with the policy.


HR or employment policies help to ensure that when dealing with matters concerning people, an approach in line with corporate values is adopted throughout the organization. They serve as the basis for enacting values – converting espoused values into values in use. They provide frameworks within which consistent decisions are made, and promote equity in the way in which people are treated. Because they provide guidance on what managers should do in particular circumstances they facilitate empowerment, devolution and delegation. While they should fit the corporate culture, they can also help to shape it.

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