Friday, December 16, 2016

Developing HR Practices That Enhance Organizational Commitment

The policies and practices that may contribute to the increase of commitment are training, career planning, performance management, work-life balance policies and job design.

The HR function can play a major part in developing a high commitment organization. The ten steps it can take are.

● Advise on methods of communicating the values and aims of management and the achievements of the organization, so that employees are more likely to identify with it as one they are proud to work for.

● Emphasize to management that commitment is a two-way process; employees cannot be expected to be committed to the organization unless management demonstrates that it is committed to them and recognizes their contribution as stakeholders.

● Impress on management the need to develop a climate of trust by being honest with people, treating them fairly, justly and consistently, keeping its word, and showing willingness to listen to the comments and suggestions made by employees during processes of consultation and participation.

● Develop a positive psychological contract (see Chapter 16) by treating people as stakeholders, relying on consensus and cooperation rather than control and coercion, and focusing on the provision of opportunities for learning, development and career progression.

● Advise on and assist in the establishment of partnership agreements with trade unions which emphasize unity of purpose, common approaches to working together and the importance of giving employees a voice in matters that concern them.

● Recommend and take part in the achievement of single status for all employees (often included in a partnership agreement) so that there is no longer an ‘us and them’ culture.

● Encourage management to declare a policy of employment security, and ensure that steps are taken to avoid involuntary redundancies.

● Develop performance management processes that provide for the alignment of organizational and individual objectives.

● Advise on means of increasing employee identification with the company through rewards related to organizational performance (profit sharing or gainsharing) or employee share ownership schemes.

● Develop ‘job engagement’ (identification of employees with the job they are doing) through job design processes that aim to create higher levels of job satisfaction (job enrichment).

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