Friday, December 30, 2016


Organization design may be carried out by line management with or without the help of members of the HR function acting as internal consultants, or it may be done by outside consultants. HR management should always be involved because organization design is essentially about people and the work they do. The advantage of using outside consultants is that an independent and dispassionate view is obtained. They can cut through internal organizational pressures, politics and constraints and bring experience of other organizational problems they have dealt with. Sometimes, regrettably, major changes can be obtained only by outside intervention. But there is a danger of consultants suggesting theoretically ideal organizations that do not take sufficient account of the problems of making them work with existing people. They do not have to live with their solutions, as do line and HR managers. If outside consultants are used, it is essential to involve people from within the organization so they can ensure that they are able to implement the proposals smoothly.

                            CONDUCTING ORGANIZATION REVIEWS

Organization reviews are conducted in the following stages:

1. An analysis, as described below, of the existing arrangements and the factors that may affect the organization now and in the future.

2. A diagnosis of what needs to be done to improve the way in which the organization is structured and functions.

3. A plan to implement any revisions to the structure emerging from the diagnosis, possibly in phases. The plan may include longer-term considerations about the structure and the type of managers and employees who will be required to operate within it.

4. Implementation of the plan.

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